My Poem “Muses of Music”

Music has always been
an important part of my life...
Music has always meant more to me
than I could put into words...
Music has always been
what has created a connection
between me and what I have
always felt can be sensed
whenever I have looked up
at the sky at twilight...
Music has always opened
doorways of imagination
and inspiration that have led me
to visit a multitude of incredible worlds.

Music was, most likely, my first love,
because every time I heard
any kind of music -
from the vinyl records
of The Beatles and Mike Oldfield
that my parents used to play
from our home stereo,
to watching 'Top of the Pops' on TV,
to the Chart Shows that I used to listen to every week on the radio -
I was absolutely spellbound by what I heard
and by the not so subtle magic.

When I first began expressing
my thoughts, my feelings,
my emotions, my memories,
and my experiences,
in the form of the poetry
that I was inspired to write,
as well as the love that I believed
I was feeling at the time,
I always sought out songs
and melodies that always
gave me the jump start of creativity
that I needed to create
a piece of art of my own.

Whenever I have found myself
going through a period in my life
when I have felt as if I were alone
in how I was feeling,
after listening to the words
of a song that has a power
and a gravity to it
that has a meaning,
a message, and a story to it
that is not always apparent,
I have always felt the wave energy
and understanding that has always reminded me
that there are always others
who have been through
what we have been through,
or what we are going through,
and that we can all there for one another -
even if we live vastly different lives,
and perhaps in different eras and time zones.

Even as I write this,
I am listening to a varied playlist
of some of my favourite songs -
some fast, some slow,
some acoustic, some electronic,
some old, some relatively new -
because I have found that
listening to a great song
while I am writing is like using
the key to a gateway
to the extra dimensions of possibilities
that play out and echo all around us,
and I am free to let my mind drift
and weave my own literary
tapestry of poetic fabric...
every day, I return to who I know,
what I know, where I know,
and to whom and to what
I have repeatedly listened to -
my favourite artists -
who, to me, will always be
the spark of hope, optimism,
and inspiration that I love -
in other words:
my muses of music.

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