‘The Doorman’ – Hardback and Author’s Preferred Version – Out Now!

The Hardback and Author’s Preferred Version of my book ‘The Doorman‘ is Out Now on Amazon. This is the first book of mine that has been published as a hardback, and since I recently returned to this book and the story of “The Doorman” in audio-form on my podcast, I decided to iron-out all the creases that may have found themselves within the original paperback and kindle version and release a polished version of it – my Author’s Preferred Version, to be precise. This new version of the book is not that dissimilar from the version I released last year, however this new, improved, and preferred version features a new cover and some minor changes here and there. But, here it is… again: the story of “The Doorman”, Simon Starling, Reader’s World (a real place, I might add), of stories within stories, and lost love. This book and this story is so me – perhaps more so than any of my stories and books that I have had published thus far.

Happy reading! 😊