My Poem “Silent/Listen”

Wherever we are,
whatever we are doing,
the world around us
is constantly in motion -
as are everyone and everything...
wherever you are, whatever time it is,
everyone should take the time
to close their eyes
and attempt to take a step back
from all the sights that can be seen
and from all the sounds that can be heard
so that they can create a new vision
of how they perceive the world
by using their remaining senses.

When you close your eyes,
it almost feels like you are floating in space...
when you are alone,
especially at the instant
when you awaken,
it almost feels as if
you have woken up from one life
and are now living in another -
different, however similar,
from the one you know...
when you try to create
an image within your mind
of someone and something
you have not seen for some time,
it can be like trying to put together
the pieces of a puzzle
with only the glow of candlelight,
or like trying to remember a person's name
by only seeing flashes of their face.

Wherever, whatever, or to whomever
we always return to
whenever we feel drawn
to something, to someone,
or to somewhere within,
somehow we always find
what we are looking for -
not what we are told to find...
it is only when we are given
the gift to be able to focus
on what and who
matters the most to us
that we can sometimes feel
a connection with something
other than ourselves -
something that feels as if
it is always there and always has been.

Wherever we are,
and whatever we all
have to go through in this life,
we are all capable of doing
something extraordinary:
seeing what something is,
or what someone looks like,
by using our thoughts,
our feelings, our experiences,
and our memories to fill in the gaps
of what we don't know
with what we do know -
it's something that
we all do all the time;
however, it is only by seeking
moments of stillness and solace -
when all is quiet and almost silent -
that we can all learn more
about ourselves and more about
what life asks of all of us,
but only if we truly stop and listen.

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